- Regular price
- NT$ 880.00
- Sale price
- NT$ 880.00
- Regular price
NT$ 880.00
數量:30 入
尺寸:4(高 )*1.6 CM(底部直徑)
使用方式:持續點燃尖端幾秒鐘,然後輕輕吹滅火焰,使火源恢復穩定。 將錐體放在耐熱的器皿上,以確保安全和均勻燃燒。
- 在通風良好的空間使用,切勿讓燃燒的香椎無人看管
- 遠離兒童和寵物,遠離易燃物品
- 孕婦和有呼吸系統疾病的人在使用前應諮詢醫生或保健醫生
- 保存於乾燥陰涼處
100% Natural Ingredients: Pure Palo Santo powder with Nanmu tree bark as the binder. No additives of perfume, essential oils, or chemical compounds.
Quantity: 30 pcs
Dimension: 4*1.6 CM (Diameter)
Burn time: 50 minutes
How to use: Light the tip for a few seconds and gently blow out the flame so that a steady stream of smoke is released. Place the cone on a heat-resistant holder to ensure safety and an even burn.
- Use in a well-ventilated space and never leave a burning cone unattended
- Keep out of reach of children, and pets, and away from flammable articles
- Pregnant women and people with respiratory conditions should counsel a doctor or health practitioner before using
- Store in a dry and cool place